Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

Attention: This text is encoded using Unicode / UTF8.

THT 0858

{No. 225 = T III Š 94.4}
{Kleines Bruchstück von der linken Seite des Blattes 114.}


pilTäK\ menā ////

pi-lTä-K\ me-nā ////

wärPAṢṢAM\ : ce[S\] ////

wä-rPA-ṢṢA-M\ : ce-(S)\ ////

naṃ yäslyi : ////

naṃ yä-slyi (*) ////

ktāṃ cārkar.. ////

ktāṃ cā-rka-r. ////

KAnta[nT\] ////

KA-nta-(*) ////

ṣome ////

ṣo-me (*)////


puK\ [r.] ////

pu (*) (*) ////

mañi l[e] ////
ma-ñi (*) ////
rā prunko_\ ////

rā pru-nko-_\ ////

tmaṃ śkaṃ tāk. ////

tmaṃ śkaṃ tā-k. ////

TKAM\ añcwā ṣiṃ : ////

TKA-M\ `a-ñcwā ṣiṃ : (*)////

ṣāmnāñÄ\ aśyā ////

ṣā-mnā-ñÄ\ `a-ś[y]ā ////

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