Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0849
{No. 216 = T III Š 69.16}
{Kleiner Rest der rechten Seite eines Blattes.}
//// PALtSAkyo mar NAṢ MA
//// PA-LtSA-kyo ma-r^NA-Ṣ^MA
//// n.yas tāPArK\ näṣ ri
//// (*) ya-s^tā-PA-rK\ nä-ṣ^ri
//// ll aśśi ceṣ manarkāñÄ\
//// ll^a-+i ce-ṣ^ma-na-rkā-ñÄ\
//// .ā ne tsopatSAṃ kroP\
//// . e . o-pa-tSAṃ kro-P\
//// t[s]i PAskāyäS\
//// . i PA-skā-yä-S\
//// kṣaṃ āle
////(*) kṣaṃ `ā-le
//// ñ tsarnā pe
//// ñ^tsa-rnā pe
//// : 1 ||
//// : 1 ||
//// [KA]lkoRAṣ tRA
////(*) lko-RA-ṣ^tRA
//// K[LA]s[m]āṃ tSAlpā
//// (*) . ā tSA-lpā
//// kuc ne mā tāskmāṃ śā
//// (*) (c)^+e mā tā-skmāṃ śā
//// Ṣ(\) ce[SA]M\ śkaṃ manarkā
//// (*) (*) (*)-M\ śkaṃ ma-na-(*)
//// (me)tRAk[y]āp tsarā entsu
//// (*) t+-k+ā-p^tsa-+ā (*)-ntsu
//// tāPArK\ wtākotā
//// tā-PA-(*) wtā-ko-tā
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