Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0842
{No. 209 = T III Š 99.9}
{Kleines Bruchstück aus der Mitte eines Blattes.}
//// w[ä]rtacÄ\ tmaṃ NAṣ l(.)e ////
//// w+-rta-cÄ\ tmaṃ NA-ṣ^l+e ////
//// (we)wñuRAṢ\ āmāśā_\ ////
//// wñu-RA-Ṣ\ `ā-mā-śā (*) ////
//// lmas risānT\ [w.] ////
//// lma-s^ri-sā-nT\ [w.] ////
//// nāntsuṢ\ ////
//// nā-ntsu (*) ////
//// m TAmyo s. ////
//// m^TA-myo (*) ////
//// yetweyu ////
//// (*) lu ye-twe-yu ////
//// k mā sasiṃ : 1 TMAṢ\ ////
//// k^mā sa-siṃ : 1 TMA-Ṣ\ ////
//// siṃ TMAṢ KALK\ t. ////
//// siṃ TMA-Ṣ^KA-LK\ t. ////
Copyright Jost Gippert
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