Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0840
{No. 207 = T III Š 97.8}
{Kleines Bruchstück aus der Mitte eines Blattes.}
//// nti tākiśśi ; TMAṣ na ////
//// nti tā-ki-śśi ; TMA-ṣ^na ////
//// kÜlewāsaśśal ṣyaK////
////(*) kÜle-wā-sa-śśa-l^ṣya-K\////
//// spaLTAk yāMAS\ pÜKA ////
//// spa-LTA-k^yā-MA-S\ pÜKA ////
//// [KA]lpoS\ srotāpa ////
//// (*) lp(o)-S\ sro-tā-pa ////
//// [ā]riñcyo pontsāṃ wart.. ////
//// (`ā)-ri-ñcyo po-ntsāṃ wa-rt. ////
//// ṅKAṢ\ || ratisupaṃ || ////
//// ṅKA-Ṣ\ || [ra]-ti-su-paṃ || ////
//// l+ā (+ṃ) ctā //// Copyright Jost Gippert
Frankfurt a/M 1999-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form
without prior permission by the copyright holder.