Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0839
{No. 206 = T III Š 69.34}
{Bruchstück aus der Mitte eines Blattes.}
//// .k. wr(a) _ M(\) āl(a)m.. ////
//// . k. wr. _ (*) `ā-(l+)-m. ////
//// myo ṣakk atS SAM\ wā ////
//// myo ṣa-kk^a-tS^SA-M\ wā ////
//// r naSAl ṣeṢ\ tkaṃ ṣi ////
//// r^na-SA-l^ṣe-Ṣ\ tkaṃ ṣi ////
//// kupre ne tkaṃ ṣi yo ////
//// (*)-[pre] (n)e tkaṃ ṣi yo ////
//// c n[e] TAm por ṣi ko[TAr.]o ////
//// c^n. (*)-m^po-r^ṣi ko-(TA)-[r+o] ////
//// Ṣ(\) TApreNAkk a ////
//// ṢA TA-pre-NA-kk^a ////
//// [mp.] lekk oki ā ////
//// [+p.] le-kk^o-ki `ā ////
//// .[s]une ; poR\ oMA ////
//// . u-ne ; po-R\ `o-(MA) ////
//// indriS KAlpnāTA[R\] ////
//// `i-n+ri-S^KA-lpnā-TA-(R\) ////
//// [ñ]ñ oki waconT\ na ////
//// . ñ^o-ki wa-co-nT\ na ////
//// r waco ṣyak nu ṣoM\ .l. ////
//// r^wa-co ṣya-k^nu ṣo-M\ . l. ////
//// rpnāTAR\ : 1 || TAmyo [śt.] ////
//// rpnā-TA-R\ : 1 || TA-myo (*) ////
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