Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0831

{No. 198 = T III Š 93.13}
{Rest der linken Seite eines Blattes. Von der Blattzahl sind die Ziffern 100, 10 und 2 erhalten, die für die Zahl der Hunderte fehlt.}

_ lo KAlpā[TAR\] ////

_ (lo) KA-lp+-(TA)-(RA) ////

p ya[TA]R\ tmaśśäl tāskm(ā)ṃ ////

p ya-(TA)-R\ tma-śśä-l^tā-skm. ////

mu ṢAT\ lkāmāṃ śla [pr]o ////

mu ṢA-T\ lkā-māṃ śla (pr)o ////

śśi ptāñKAT\ s. ////

śśi ptā-ñKA-T\ s. ////

ñi ////

ñi (*)////


t nu tm. ////

t^nu . m. ////

nt nu TAM\ wtāK\ ////
nt^nu TA-M\ wt+-[KA] ////
yārit paT\ eṅKAl [s.] ////

yā-ri-t^pa-T\ `e-ṅKA-[l]^(s+) ////

pyā(c\)Äl klāmār teṣiṃ ca ////

pyā-(+ä) klā-mā-r^te-ṣiṃ ca ////

_.. ināṃ kÜle nu lo ////

_ (+i) nāṃ kÜle nu [lo] ////

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