Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0805
{No. 172 = T III Š 91.16a}
{Kleines Blattfragment.}
{1_4 (nicht erhalten).}
//// PArk ñi nande nāTAK\ ////
//// PA-rk^ñi na-nde nā-TA-[K]\ ////
//// .āp yāmunT\ jetavaṃ sa(ṅkrāma) ////
//// . ā-p^yā-mu-nT\ je-ta-vaṃ sa ////
///// my[o] ñuK\ cwacäk kāsu ////
///// [m]y. ñu-K\ cwa-cä-k^kā-su ////
//// [wsā]luyo yÜkasyo ye ////
//// (+s+)-lu-yo yÜka-syo ye ////
{3_6 (nicht erhalten).}
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