Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0774

{No. 141 = T III Š 91.21}
{Kleines Blattfragment, nur 2 Zeilen sind erhalten.}


//// K(\) anāthapi[ṇḍ.] ////

//// KA `a-nā-tha-pi-(*) ////

//// || wsā ṣy aṅgukte ////

//// || wsā ṣy^a-ṅgu-kte ////


//// || śiñikkuraṃ || ////

//// || śi-ñi-kku-raṃ || ////

//// ccaṃ TAm NAṃ naslune ////

//// ccaṃ TA-m^NAṃ na-slu-ne ////

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