Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0770
{No. 137 = T III Š 97.5}
{Bruchstück aus der Mitte eines Blattes.}
//// ś(.)aṃ c..lune ṣiṃ .l. [P.] opy(ā)cÄ\////
//// . aṃ c+-lu-ne ṣiṃ . l. [P.] `o-py+-c+\////
//// [ñ]lu[neyi]S(\) ṣruM\ ṣñi ke ////
//// . lu-(*) (*) SA ṣru-M\ ṣñi ke (*)////
//// PALtSAK\ eṃtS\ yaslyi [y.] ////
//// PA-(*)-K\ `eṃ-tS\ ya-slyi (*) ////
//// ptāñKAt kātkal ṣeṢ\ ////
////(*) pt+-ñKA-t^kā-tka-l^ṣe-Ṣ\ ////
//// nte naSAlyāP\ wras[o] ////
////(*) nte na-(*)-lyā-P\ wra-(*) ////
//// [k KA .k.ṃ] pÜkiS\ yäs. i ////
//// (*) (*) pÜk+-S\ yä-[s+i] ////
//// nT\ wramiS\ SA .s. ////
//// n. (w)ra-+i-S\ SA . s. ////
//// SAtkseñcäṃ : sne āk penu k. ////
////(*) SA-tkse-ñcäṃ : sne `ā-k^pe-(nu) k. ////
//// ritwäṣlye kupre ne ceM\ ////
//// ri-twä-ṣlye ku-pre ne ce-M\ ////
//// ṣi empele lyalypu tmā ////
//// ṣi `e-+e-le lya-lypu tmā ////
//// mā wṣeññempele ////
//// mā wṣe-ññe-mpe-le ////
//// Ṣ(\) lyutāR\ sark. s[u] ////
//// (ṢA) lyu-t+-(*) (*)-rk. s. ////
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