Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0765
{No. 132 = T III Š 96.6}
{Kleines, stark beschädigtes Bruchstück von der rechten Seite eines Blattes.}
(nicht erhalten)
//// kāṃ pracracÄ\ yär[ṣ]l[u] _ _ _
////(*) . āṃ pra-cra-cÄ\ yä-(*) _ _ _
//// [t]lune risāte yme sān[T\] _
//// (*) (*) ri-sā-te [y]me sā-n.
//// kkisaṃ ṣar pracraṃ tākaṢT\ a[MA]
//// . i-saṃ ṣa-r^pra-.aṃ tā-ka-ṢT\ (`a) (*)
//// [p. ā]neya wsā stāM\
//// (*) . e (*) . ā . ā-M\
//// [kā pa]ry[ā]yuko śtwaR\
//// (*) (*) (*) yu-ko śtw.-R\
//// r kāTAṅkāṣ maR\ ptāñKA[T KA]ṣṣi
//// (*) TA-ṅkā-ṣ^ma-R\ (*)-ñKA-(*) (*)
//// TMAṢ\ śālyiṃ tsary.
//// TMA-Ṣ\ śā-lyiṃ tsa-(*)
//// bhāS\ _ _ _
//// . ā-S\ ////
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