Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
Attention: This text is encoded using Unicode / UTF8.
THT 0761
{No. 128 = T III Š 79.7}
{Kl. Rest der linken Seite des Blattes 202.}
TMA[ṣ] lapaṃ ////
TMA-.^l.-paṃ ////
wlalune ////
wla-lu-ne ////
rīS\ sne ////
rī-S\ sne ////
LtS\ atra [t].. p. S\ ////
LtSA `a-tra [t.] p.-S\ ////
wṣeññe eṃtsāT\ oKA ////
wṣe-ññe `eṃ-tsā-T\ `o-[KA] ////
wLAS\ brahmalokaṃ ta[MA] ////
wLA-S\ bra-hma-lo-kaṃ ta-[MA] ////
waṢTAṢ\ LAcÄ\ brahma ////
wa-ṢTA-Ṣ\ LA-cÄ\ bra-hma ////
mā ca(kra)varttiñÄ\ lā[śÄ\] ////
mā [ca]-_-va-rtti-ñÄ\ lā-(+Ä)\ ////
PAlkār na _ ceM\ ////
PA-lkā-r^n. _ ce-M\ ////
skaR\ wa ////
ska-R\ wa ////
mā NAṣ na ////
mā NA-ṣ^na (*)////
Ṣ LAṃTṢAL\ ////
Ṣ^LAṃ-TṢA-L\ ////
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