Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0755
{No. 122 = T III Š 92.16}
{Kleineres Bruchstück von der rechten Seite des Blattes.}
//// m.nāṃ sundariṃ KArsoRAṢ\
//// m+-nāṃ su-nda-riṃ KA-rso-RA-Ṣ\
//// tkuRAṢ\ tRAṅKAṢ\ anu
//// tku-RA-Ṣ\ tRA-ṅKA-Ṣ\ `a-nu
//// S(\) sruM\ kuMPAcÄ\ koṣtluneyi
//// SA sru-M\ ku-MPA-cÄ\ ko-ṣtlu-ne-yi
//// (ā)rkiśoṣṣiS\ sem waste ptā
//// rki-śo-ṣṣi-S\ se-m^wa-ste ptā
//// [K.] k[o]ṃ śtärc\ mañiS\ śaKÄ\ TA
//// [KA] k[o]ṃ śtä-rc\ ma-ñi-S\ śa-KÄ\ TA
//// (na)ndeyo sundari PAttāñKAT\
//// nde-yo su-nda-ri PA-ttā-ñKA-T\
//// yaṃ maśkaṃ kenäT\ āmāśāS\
//// yaṃ ma-śkaṃ ke-nä-T\ `ā-mā-śā-[S\]
//// PAlskeS\ tsopatS\ kācke k.
////(*) PA-lske-S\ tso-pa-tS\ kā-cke k+
//// śLäKK\ śkaṃ kācke ṢAM\ yā
////(*) śLä-KK\ śkaṃ kā-cke ṢA-M\ yā
//// [ñ]äktes wewñunT\ wicÄ\ maṃtRA
//// (*)-kte-s^we-wñu-nT\ wi-cÄ\ maṃ-tRA
//// R\ sutriS\ ñomm atS\
////(*)-R\ su-tri-S\ ño-mm^atS\
//// yāmmāR\ puK\ kloPA
//// yā-mmā-R\ pu-K\ klo-PA
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