Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0680
{No. 47 = T III Š 95.3}
{Rest (linke Seite) eines Blattes. Die Blattzahl ist nicht erhalten.}
NAṣ mā _ _ K[\] pÜkaṃ [n.] ////
[NA]-ṣ^mā * * KA pÜkaṃ [n.] ////
KAnT\ mahākalpa ////
KA-nT\ ma-hā-ka-lpa ////
tasthānaṃ klyaṃtRA ; we ////
ta-sthā-naṃ klyaṃ-tRA ṯ we ////
_ keñcÄ\ PAñcäṃ ga ////
* ke-ñcÄ\ PA-ñcäṃ ga ////
_ _ [kk a]tS\ klyaṃtRA ; laKṢ\ ////
* * (*)-tS\ klyaṃ-tRA ; la-KṢ\ ////
_ _ _ NAkk atS\ klyaṃt[RA] ////
* * (*) NA-kk^a-tS\ klyaṃ-t+ ////
_ _ _ ptāñKAT KAṣṣiṃ o ////
* * * ptā-ñKA-T^KA-ṣṣiṃ `o ////
_ _ ntaṃ yāmluneyo s.. ////
* * ntaṃ yā-mlu-ne-yo s+a ////
(ci)ñcraṃ wramnaśśäL\////
* ñcraṃ wra-mna-śśä-L\////
lpal puk tri āpāy.aṃ ////
lpa-l^pu-k^tri `ā-pā-y+aṃ ////
[L\] kloPAṢ\ : TAmyo ////
[L\] klo-PA-Ṣ\ : TA-myo ////
wKA(nyo ptā)ñKAT KA(ṣṣ)i////
wKA-(*) * ñKA-T^KA-(+i)////
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