Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0672
{No. 39 = T III S 92.8}
{Rest (linke Seite) des Blattes 42.}
yāmlune ṣruM\ : 3 oMAs[k]e ////
yā-mlu-ne ṣru-M\ : 3 `o-MA-s+e ////
RAṢ\ caMAk yoK\ ālu kÜ[le] ////
RA-Ṣ\ ca-MA-k^yo-K\ `ā-lu (kÜ+) ////
tāṢ\ oko elune ////
tā-Ṣ\ `o-ko `e-lu-ne ////
ne toṢ PAñ ṣurmanT\ pu ////
ne to-Ṣ^PA-ñ^ṣu-rma-nT\ pu ////
nākyo : ke ne nu tāṢ\ o ////
nā-kyo : ke ne nu tā-Ṣ\ `o ////
kk atS\ klopaṃ yäṢ\ : 1 || ////
kk^a-tS\ klo-paṃ yä-Ṣ\ : 1 || ////
kāswoneyo opyacÄ\ klā ////
kā-swo-ne-yo `o-pya-cÄ\ klā ////
L\ lkāM\ kus ne TAm ne wKA(nyo) ////
L\ lkā-M\ ku-s^ne TA-m^ne wKA ////
swoneyo opyāc klālu ////
swo-ne-y `o-pyā-c^klā-lu ////
sne lyutāR\ ktsetS\ ////
sne lyu-tā-R\ ktse-tS\ ////
|| mā TApreṃ saṃ ālak wraM\ ////
|| mā TA-preṃ saṃ `ā-la-k^wra-M\ ////
imeyo kus ne wrasoM\ ////
'i-me-yo ku-s^ne wra-so-M\ ////
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