Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

Attention: This text is encoded using Unicode / UTF8.


THT 0632


{Toch B 632\X 26}


//// ṢṢA(ṃ) - - - ////
//// ṢṢA+ (*) (*) (*) ////


//// [r] tan[e] kṣatriyeṃtS\ pyāk[ts]i ////
//// [ta]-n[e] kṣa-tri-yeṃ-tS\ pyā-k+i ////


//// [l](o) [pe]ṣp[ī]ntormeṃ kroKŚA lkāṢṢA[ṃ] ////
//// (l+) (*)-ṣp[ī]-nto-rmeṃ kro-KŚA l+ā-Ṣ+A[ṃ] ////


//// [pte] || hā - ////
//// [pte] || hā-ñ+ ////


//// ṣarmtsa [tu]KA ///
//// (ṣa)-rmt+a tu-KA ///


{nur Spuren}


{Toch B 632\X 26}


{nur Spuren}


//// [.tRA] PAsT\ ts[ā] ////
//// (*) PA-sT\ ts+ ////


//// ki || tum(eṃ) - ////
//// ki || tu-(m+) ////


//// [we]ṣṣeñcañÄ\ - ////
//// (+e)-ṣṣe-ñca-ñÄ\ * ////


//// - - a[kṣa]l[ye] ////
//// (*)-(*) `a-[k+a]-(l+) ////


{nur Spuren}

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.