Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0629
{Toch B 629\X 25}
{nur eine Spur}
//// ntaunaṣṣ(e) traika[sa] trik[e] ////
//// ntau-[na]-ṣṣ+ trai-ka-sa tri-[ke] ////
//// [||] pūrpar tā senik ñi ////
//// [||] pū-rpa-r^tā se-ni-k^ñi ////
//// nta ceÜ ksa - - ////
//// nta ce-Ü\ ksa (*) (+i) ////
//// ss[o]rñe krenta re ////
//// ss+-rñe kre-nta re ////
//// [ra]m no swaya - ////
//// [ra]-m^no swa-ya (*) ////
//// [la]teṃ po ////
//// [la]-teṃ po ////
{Toch B 629\X 25}
//// - cam.. ////
//// (+e) ca-m+a ////
//// kl[au]tkatsi • [ya] - ////
//// (kl+)-tka-tsi • [ya] (*) ////
//// ntse aśāL\ mla ////
//// ntse `a-śā-L\ mla ////
//// pyapyaiṣṣe swe[s](e) ////
//// pya-pyai-ṣṣe [swe]-(*) ////
//// kw. lypalya mā wa[T]\ ////
//// kw+ lypa-lya mā wa-[T]\, ////
//// ltso [lo] • su wa ṣeske ////
//// [ltso] [lo] • su wa ṣe-ske ////
{nur eine Spur}
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.