Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0626


{Toch B 626a\X 11}


//// oṅkol.(.) ////
//// (`o)-ṅko-(l+) ////


//// TAssāte - ////
//// TA-ssā-te (*) ////


//// - • se ñke wteṃtse [l.] ////
//// (+ä) se ñke wteṃ-tse [l+] ////


//// dhisatveṃ wināṢṢAṃ • - ////
//// dhi-sa-tveṃ wi-nā-ṢṢAṃ • (*) ////


//// kÜ[c]e ompalsko ////
//// kÜ[c]e `o-mpa-lsko ////


//// b[o]dhisatve lā ////
//// b+-dhi-sa-tve lā ////


{nur eine Spur}

THT 0626


{Toch B 626\X 11}


{nur eine Spur}


//// - kauśik[e] pā ////
//// (*) kau-śi-k[e] pā ////


//// [pa]ñäKTAññe .e ////
//// (*)-ñä-KTA-ññe (+e) ////


//// stām ñoR\ vajrāsaṃ[tsa] ////
//// stā-m^ño-R\ va-jrā-saṃ-(*) ////


//// - snai olyapo - ////
//// (*) snai `o-lya-po (*) ////


//// .ke ostameṃ ////
//// +ke `o-sta-meṃ ////


//// .ai [po] tri[ka] ////
//// (+ai) (po) tri-(*) ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.