Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0619


{Toch B 619\X 24}


//// prekene ////
//// pre-ke-ne ////


//// daṃñene || kÜse ////
//// daṃ-ñe-ne || kÜse ////


//// lm(e) [ṃ] krakacceṃ || ////
//// lm+ṃ k+a-ka-cceṃ || ////


//// luksemane [no] ////
//// lu-kse-ma-ne [no] ////


//// lya - tse ////
//// lya (*) tse ////


//// p[a] sru ////
//// p[a] sru ////


{Toch B 619\X 24}


//// s[n]ai ////
//// s[n]ai ////


//// sa • epa ////
//// sa • `e-pa ////


//// govikai śamñā ////
//// go-vi-kai śa-mñā ////


//// [o]m no abRA -\ ////
//// (*)-m^no `a-bRA-(*)\ ////


//// [l.] ñakte bodhi ////
//// (l+) ña-kte bo-dhi ////


//// - tatS\ [snai] ////
//// (*) ta-tS\ [s+ai] ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.