Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0618


{Toch B 618\X 7}


{nur Spuren}


//// [m]pa weK\ cine tre[ṅks](ate) nauṢ\ ////
//// [+p+] we-K\ ci-ne tre-(+s+) * nau-(*)\ ////


//// l. [n]e kalpanmaṃtS\ po ke - ////
//// (l+) ne ka-lpa-nmaṃ-tS\ po ke (*) ////


//// camPAṃ krentaunampa - - ////
//// ca-mPAṃ kre-ntau-na-mpa (*) (*) ////


//// skemane • govikai wä ////
//// ske-ma-ne • go-vi-kai wä ////


//// [mu]dRA • tumeṃ lāñc\] ////
//// [mu]-dRA • tu-meṃ lā-ñc\] ////


//// ṣesa bo ////
//// ṣe-sa bo ////


{Toch B 618\X 7}


//// tveś weṢṢAṃ ////
//// tve-ś^we-[ṢṢAṃ] ////


//// paS\ aik[e]ca • cisa ////
//// pa-S\ `ai-k[e]-ca • ci-sa ////


//// lyelyakormeṃ KAnt[e] ////
//// lye-lya-ko-rmeṃ KA-nt[e] ////


//// [TA]stsi • tane govika[nts]e ////
//// [TA]-stsi • ta-ne go-vi-ka-(+e) ////


//// pratiṃtsa ṣañ añmä ka[T]KA ////
//// pra-tiṃ-tsa ṣa-ñ^a-ñmä ka-[T]KA ////


//// wakī su • kwri cwi ñä - mā [t.] ////
//// wa-kī su • kwri cwi ñä * mā [t+] ////


//// r[m]eṃ bodhi ////
//// (r+eṃ) bo-dhi ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.