Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0609


{Toch B 609\X 9}


//// sk(e)tRA ////
//// sk+-[+RA] ////


//// ṣṣu śawāñca KA ////
//// ṣṣu śa-wā-ñca KA ////


//// • yakne eṅku tāka - ////
//// • (*)-k+e `e-ṅku tā-ka - ////


//// [k]okaLPAnta weṢṢAṃ || ////
//// (+o)-ka-LPA-nta we-ṢṢAṃ || ////


//// (mr) [au]skāte • ceÜ ṣarM\ ////
//// (*)-skā-te • ce-Ü\ ṣa-r+\ ////


//// [l.] - - mane ////
//// (*) (*) * ma-ne ////


{nur Spuren}


{Toch B 609\X 9}


{nur Spuren}


//// - - - - tane - ////
//// (*) (*) (*) (*) ta-ne (*) ////


//// ddheṃ PAskāya winā[m.] ////
//// ddheṃ PA-skā-ya wi-nā-(*) ////


//// nmaṢṢAṃ kāmñäktempa - - ////
//// +ma-ṢṢAṃ kā-mñä-kte-mpa (*) (*) ////


//// [ś]uddhāvāSAṣṣi ñakti ////
//// (+u)-ddhā-vā-SA-ṣṣi ña-kti ////


//// krenT\ iryāvat. - - - ////
//// (k+e)-nT\ `i-ryā-va-t+ * (*) (*) ////


//// rmeṃ ko ////
//// [r+eṃ] ko ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.