Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0586r


{Toch B 585\T III So 68.32}


//// R\ [p]eñy[a] -
//// RA (*) (+y+) *


//// [a]mācÄ\ weṢṢA(ṃ)
//// (`a)-mā-cÄ\ we-ṢṢA(ṃ)


//// [e]mpreṃ raddhi PAsTÄ\
//// (`e)-mpreṃ ra-ddhi PA-sTÄ\


//// [ṣa]rmtsa weSAṃ ra
//// (*)-rmtsa we-SAṃ ra


//// ..s. RA lkāt toṃ supra
//// (+s+) RA lkā-t^toṃ su-pra


//// sa weSAñÄ\ raddhi
//// sa we-SA-ñÄ\ ra-ddhi


//// [sTÄ\] lāmaṃ saswe tā
//// (*) lā-maṃ sa-swe tā


//// cewä ksa pernerñe
//// ce-wä ksa pe-rne-rñe


//// n. tS\ pernerñe cewä
//// n+-tS\ pe-rne-rñe ce-wä

THT 0586v


{Toch B 58\T III So 94 Frg}


//// w. r.[ñc.]mpa [e]neśl[e] ////
//// (*) r+-(+c+)-mpa [`e]-ne-śl+ ////


//// [po]yśi[nta] pañikte KAṣṣintatS\ : ārtto(s)ai -
//// [po]-(+śi)-[nta] pa-ñi-kte KA-ṣṣi-nta-tS\, : `ā-rtto-(+ai) *


//// maṅkāL\ tatākosai : buddhotpaTAṣṣepi e
//// ma-ṅkā-L\, [ta]-tā-ko-sai : bu-ddho-tpa-TA-ṣṣe-pi `e


//// ñc[ai] : astariññe [ṣ]aṇiñesa po poyśintatS\
//// ñc[ai] : `a-sta-ri-ññe [ṣ]a-ṇi-ñe-sa po po-yśi-nta-tS\


//// tSAmañe kraupañe pyuT[KA]ṣñene tsuwai se ṣa[R.]
//// tSA-ma-ñe kr+-pa-ñe pyu-T[KA]-ṣñe-ne tsu-wai se ṣa-[RA]


//// yumā[n]e nessiŚ\ : ce pernenT\ ikene sa
//// yu-mā-[n]e ne-ssi-Ś\, : ce pe-rne-nT\, `i-ke-ne sa


//// .āṣaurñe [KA]lṣamñe tsiromñe ompolskoññe
//// (*)-ṣau-rñe (*)-lṣa-mñe tsi-ro-mñe `o-mpo-lsko-ññe


//// (ta)karṣkeṃ palskosa pernnenT\
//// (*)-ka-rṣkeṃ pa-lsko-sa pe-rnne-nTA


{nur Spuren}

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