Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0585


{Toch B 585\T III So 68.32}


//// ntaṃS\ ste • cey rano ṢPA
//// ntaṃ-S\ ste • ce-y^ra-no ṢPA


//// hūR\ kṣātre tanā
//// hū-R\ kṣā-tre ta-nā


//// [ṢṢ](Aṃ) || vil[u]mpagatiṃne ||
//// (ṢṢA+) || vi-l[u]-mpa-ga-tiṃ-ne ||


//// .e wmerṣṣi serki ramT\
//// (+e) wme-rṣṣi se-rki ra-mT\,


//// [o]sTÄ\ lāmaṃ MAkceÜ
//// (`o)-sTÄ\ lā-maṃ MA-kce-Ü\


//// ne • ylaiñäkte
//// ne • yle-ñä-kte


//// poyśiṃ pañä
//// po-yśiṃ pa-ñä


//// rnerñe keklyau
//// rne-rñe ke-klyau


//// [nne] toṃ ñ[a] -
//// (+n+) toṃ ña *

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