Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0581


{Toch B 581\T II S 73.2}


//// (o)mposTAṃ āke lkā[ṢṢA](ṃ)
//// mpo-sTAṃ `ā-(ke) lkā *


//// rwāna MAskeTAR\ ne -
//// rwā-na MA-ske-TA-R\ ne *


//// tākne spelkke yamaṣṣa[r]e -
//// tā-kne spe-lkke ya-ma-ṣṣa-(*) *


//// [k.]sa saṃsārmeṃ tSAlp[ā]re [•] ñ.
//// (*)sa saṃ-sā-rmeṃ tSA-lp[ā]-re (ñ+)


//// [ṣ .ai]ññe karsatsi kleśanma
//// (*) (*) (*)ññe (*) (*) (*) (+e)-śa-ma


{Toch B 581\T II S 73.2}


//// .u [sw.] KA - - - ṅka y[eṃ]
//// (*) (*) [KA] * * * ṅka y[eṃ]


//// k sanaṃ lyikaśke yamaskeṃ MA
//// k^sa-naṃ lyi-ka-śke ya-ma-skeṃ MA


//// .ṣ. na yenti KAnmaskeṃ cau [m.] -
//// (*) na ye-nti KA-nma-skeṃ [+au] (*) *


//// śunyāṃ aikareṃ ka Ṣ(\) -
//// śu-nyāṃ `ai-ka-reṃ ka-ṢA *


//// TArne po saṃṣk(ṛ)t ka Ṣ\
//// TA-rne po saṃ-(*)-t^ka-[ṣ]\

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.