Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0577
{Toch B 577\T III M 146.6}
- - - [yä]kraiti nauṣṣameṃ po - k. ////
* * * [yä]-krai-ti nau-ṣṣ+-meṃ po * k+ ////
- - - [mā]ka lykwarwa tuyknesa ikr[ai] ////
* * * (mā)-ka lykwa-rwa tu-ykne-sa `i-kr+ ////
- [MA]skeTAR\ wäntare • 1 || te ////
(*) (MA)-ske-TA-R\ wä-nta-re • 1 || te ////
P(\) pañcagatine || taise PAls[k]o ////
PA pa-ñca-ga-ti-ne || tai-se PA-ls+o ////
[k.]r w(a)sa klaina śamaiśkaṃ ono ////
(k+)-r^w+-sa klai-na śa-mai-śkaṃ `o-no ////
ñenta āyormeṃ parksantene ////
ñe-nta `ā-yo-rmeṃ pa-rksa-nte-ne ////
{Toch B 577\T III M 146.6}
tS(\) po m(a)nt(a) ākṣa • w. s. ////
tSA po m+-nt+ `ā-kṣ+ • w+ s+ ////
- ne ṣameṃ tu posTAṃ ka koraiṃ ////
(*) ne ṣa-meṃ tu po-sTAṃ ka ko-raiṃ ////
ke or keṃne saṅkrām ste cwi saṅkra ////
ke `o-r^keṃ-ne sa-ṅkrā-m^ste cwi sa-ṅkra ////
rsartse yāmormeṃ ṣalene PAsTÄ\ ////
rsa-rtse yā-mo-rmeṃ ṣa-le-ne PA-sTÄ\ ////
- - - (m)āka lyakursa retke kautāte ////
* * * (+ā)-ka lya-ku-rsa re-tke kau-tā-te ////
- - - mokṣarakṣiteṃ aśarintse ////
* * * mo-kṣa-ra-kṣi-teṃ `a-śa-ri-ntse ////
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