Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0567


{Toch B 567\T III MQ 17.14}


//// r yāgānusmṛti • ñake lāmaT[\] śwālyai ālyine īme śwā
//// r^yā-gā-nu-smṛ-ti • ña-ke lā-ma-T\ śwā-lyai `ā-lyi-ne `ī-me śwā


//// tsaksenTAR\ śwālyai ālyine naumyeṣṣe kṣātre l(k)ās(T)Ä\
//// tsa-kse-nTA-R\ śwā-lyai `ā-lyi-ne nau-mye-ṣṣe kṣā-tre (l+ā) (s+)Ä\


//// lkāsTÄ\ inte ñiŚ\ su kṣātre po saṃsārsa [r]ā ////
//// lkā-sTÄ\ `i-nte ñi-Ś\ su kṣā-tre po saṃ-sā-rsa [r]ā ////


//// [nä]nÄ\ koṭiśvareṃ ramTÄ[\] snai LAkle lkāsTÄ\ prayoK\ [ye] ////
//// [nä]-nÄ\ ko-ṭi-śva-reṃ ra-mTÄ[\] snai LA-kle lkā-sTÄ\ pra-yo-K\ [ye] ////


{Toch B 567\T III MQ 17.14}


//// || tumeṃ alyiṣṣana swañcaiṃtS\ ākene po yi ////
////[ra] || tu-meṃ `a-lyi-ṣṣa-na swa-ñcaiṃ-tS\ `ā-ke-ne po yi ////


//// soyäskeṃne wāk[i] alloṅkna lokadhātu[n]t(a) ////
//// so-yä-skeṃ-ne wā-k[i] `a-llo-ṅkna lo-ka-dhā-tu-[n]t+ ////


//// tarnesa [laṃ] po kektseñÄ\ wäntanañcÄ[\] aitsi ṣ mā - .P.
//// ta-rne-sa [laṃ] po ke-ktse-ñÄ\ wä-nta-na-ñcÄ\ `ai-tsi ṣ^mā (*) (+P+)


//// māceR\ tsārwäsTArme ñiś yesi po āyu srukalñesa mamrau
//// mā-ce-R\ tsā-rwä-sTA-rme ñi-ś^ye-si po `ā-yu sru-ka-lñe-sa ma-mrau

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.