Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0521


{Toch B 521\T III So 92.55}


//// [r]w[a]ts yamaLLAññe : palsko śpālmeṃ ste palsko ypar[we] ////
//// wa-ts^ya-ma-LLA-ññe : pa-lsko śpā-lmeṃ ste pa-lsko ypa-r[w+] ////


//// yaṃ cmelane : yāmorṣe cāKAR\ KArsnāmane tse ////
////(*) yaṃ cme-la-ne : yā-mo-rṣe cā-KA-R\ KA-rsnā-ma-ne tse ////


//// mor yāmu śleK ṢPA kakraupau : kÜse sū yāmor tne PAlskos[a] ////
//// mo-r^yā-mu śle-K^ṢPA ka-krau-pau : kÜse sū yā-mo-r^tne PA-l+ko-(*) ////


//// [5] kÜse no su yāmor mā yāmu mā kakraupau : kÜs(e) su aitka ////
//// (5) kÜse no su yā-mo-r^mā yā-mu mā ka-krau-pau : kÜs+ su `ai-tka ////


//// || || bahudantākne || [ṣ]emi ksa wnolmi skwaso ////
//// || || ba-hu-da-ntā-kne || (+e)-mi ksa wno-lmi sk+a-so ////


//// yakne weñau ṣeme PAlsko PAklyauṣso : tane ksa ṣe ////
//// ya-kne weñau ṣe-me PA-lsko PA-klyau-ṣso : ta-ne ksa (+e) ////


//// [.po]sTä onmissoñc no MAskentRA : cai no [o] ////
//// (+po)-sTä `o-nmi-sso-ñc^no MA-ske-ntRA : cai no (`o) ////


//// .īñ[e]nta po ayāto KAl(pāsk)eṃ ////
//// (+ī) (ñ+)-nta po `a-yā-to KA-(l+) (+eṃ) ////


{Toch B 521\T III So 92.55}


//// (s)kw(a) [ss]u [p]os[T]ä lakle wärpnātRA [:] (MAk)sū ////
//// (+w+) (+u) (+o)-s+ä la-kle wä-rpnā-tRA * (*) [sū] ////


//// [nt]RA kauc eṅkaskentRA laklesa : aiskema[n.] ////
//// -RA kau-c^e-ṅka-ske-ntRA la-kle-sa : `ai-ske-ma-(*) ////


//// onmiṃ yamaskentRA katkemane MAskentRA : 3 [y.] ////
//// `o-nmiṃ ya-ma-ske-ntRA ka-tke-ma-ne MA-ske-ntRA : 3 (*) ////


//// [k.] orocci tāw preścyaine ekñiññesa tsmentRA śateñ ////
//// (k+) `o-ro-cci tā-w^pre-ścyai-ne `e-kñi-ññe-sa tsme-ntRA śa-te-ñ\ ////


//// [s]ū se yāmor ste kÜcesa onolmi n[au]Ṣ\ LAklesoñc\ ////
//// (+ū) se yā-mo-r ste kÜce-sa `o-no-lmi n[au]-Ṣ\ LA-kle-so-ñc\ ////


//// soñc tākaṃ skwasoñc posTä MAskentRA : ṣemi [ksa] w[n]o(lmi) ////
//// so-ñc^tā-kaṃ skwa-so-ñc^po-sa-Tä\ MA-ske-ntRA : ṣe-mi (*) w+o-(*) ////


//// sTä ṢPA kātkeṃ tusa mā onmisoñc MAskentRA : [.e] ////
//// sa-Tä\ ṢPA kā-tkeṃ tu-sa mā `o-nmi-so-ñc^MA-ske-ntRA : (+e) ////


//// yśāmna śateṃ ost[n]e TAnmaskentRA ekñiññe[sa] ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.