Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0512
{Toch B 512\T II S 72.1}
//// lñemeṃñce wtentsesa śinma ////
//// lñe-meṃ-ñce wte-ntse-sa śi-nma ////
//// l.ālñe tetekoṣ ra KAlpāṢṢAṃ ////
//// (l+ā)-lñe te-te-ko-ṣ^ra KA-lpā-ṢṢAṃ ////
//// yātalñe 2 || || naku[le] ////
//// yā-ta-lñe 2 ||
|| na-ku-(l+) ////
//// lñe yukalñe ra kwri plās[k]. ////
//// lñe yu-ka-lñe ra kwri plā-[s+a] ////
{Toch B 512\T II S 72.1}
//// ki mentsi krasonta proskai ////
//// ki me-ntsi kra-so-nta pro-skai ////
//// wä waT\ waipecce kwri tañ\ ////
//// wä wa-T\, wai-pe-cce kwri ta-ñ\, ////
//// || nakule wai sarppe [w].e ////
//// || na-ku-le wai sa-rppe (+e) (*) ////
//// krāso wRAttsaimeṃ śalla we[t](a) ////
////(*) krā-so wRA-ttsai-meṃ śa-lla we-[t+] ////
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.