Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0463


{Toch B 463\T III MQ 17.40}


//// lyāka s(e) kapci oktc
//// [lyā]ka s+ ka-pci `oktc


//// - KA sutate lyāka se kapci st
//// +KA su-ta-te lyā-ka se ka-pci |st


//// kṣemawarme lyāka se kapci ekṣm
//// kṣe-ma-wa-rme lyā-ka se ka-pci .`ekṣm


//// ṣarṣire lyāka se kapci - (-)
//// ṣa-rṣi-re lyā-ka se ka-pci .(*)


//// - - - ..omaṣamt[t]e PArso ñatti cāneṃ wsāwa ..ṃte
//// (lya) * * (+o)-ma-ṣa-mt+e PA-rso ña-tti cā-neṃ wsā-wa [+ṃ]-te

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