Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0462


{Toch B 462\T III MQ 5. ob. Bergh. 2}


śtarcce pratiw(aṅk)t(e) ////
śta-rcce +ra-ti-w+-(+t+) ////


..teṃ .p. kapyāreS\ śwasiṣṣe śwār(a) [c](a) [k](an) [m](a) ////
[+teṃ] [+p+] ka-pyā-re-S\, śwa-si-ṣṣe śwā-r+ ////


eṣe waltsāre mi ka priśkantse ka(p)c(i)
`e-ṣe wa-ltsā-re mi ka pri-śka-ntse ka-(+c+)


cinatyutintse kapci
ci-na-tyu-ti-ntse ka-pci


otaṃK\ tukiKAṃntse peri sar[m]wātsai śiṅkentse yaP\ wsāwa cāK TArya tauM\
`o-taṃ-K\, tu-ki-KAṃ-ntse pe-ri sa-r[m]wā-tsai śi-ṅke-ntse ya-P\, wsā-wa cā-K^ TA-rya tau-M\


(c)e [yaP\] cak(u)le yerpsa cakulentse kapci
(+e) (+a) (P\) ca-k+-le ye-rpsa ca-ku-le-ntse ka-pci

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.