Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0461
{Toch B 461\T III MQ 5. ob. Berghöhle}
priśka wai caiytiśka w[a] .ts. //// //// .k. nts(e) kapci
pri-śka wai cai-yti-śka w[a] (+ts+) //// //// (*) nts+ ka-pci
//// //// .k. ntse kapci
//// //// [+k+] ntse ka-pci
sem piśākka ṣe cakanma ok tauM\ yaP\ [piṅ]kc[e] iKAṃ ṣe TAṅktsi śawāte -
sem piśā-kka ṣe ca-ka-nma `o-k^tau-M\ ya-P\ [pi]-ṅkc[e] `i-KAṃ ṣe TA-ṅktsi śa-wā-te •
piṅkte meñe āra
pi-ṅkte me-ñe `ā-ra
ñake ṣuktañce ṣkas meñantse meṃ [mo]tte ñwe mape śātre śwāTAR\
ña-ke ṣu-kta-ñce ṣka-s^me-ña-ntse meṃ [mo]-tte ñwe ma-pe śā-tre śwā-TA-R\,
cau komtaK\ caiytiśka ya //// //// kanma caiytiś[k]antse kapci
cau ko-mta-K\ cai-yti-śka ya //// //// ka-nma cai-yti-ś+a-ntse ka-pci
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