Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0427
{Toch B 427\T III M 175.2}
{nur Spuren}
//// mā nesau ////
////(*) mā ne-sau ////
//// .w. cariT\ ci ////
//// (+w+) ca-ri-T\, ci ////
//// kanteṃñe perne ka ////
//// ha-nteṃ-ñe pe-rne ka ////
//// vimoKṢAnta pratisaṃ ////
//// vi-mo-KṢA-nta pra-ti-saṃ ////
//// .āseṃntse krentauna pepyu ////
//// (+ā)seṃ-ntse kre-ntau-na pe-pyu ////
//// tumeṃ poksene kÜse yogācā ////
//// tu-meṃ po-kse-ne kÜse yo-gā-cā ////
//// [ṣ]ai t[s(.)]erme maSKAssi r[ṣ]ā(k)i .e ////
//// (ṣai) [ts+e]-rme ma-SKA-ssi (rṣā) (+i) (+e) ////
{Toch B 427\T III M 175.2}
//// ss. ś(ā)str[a]jñempa ṣe [m. nt.] ////
//// ss+ ś+-str+-jñe-mpa ṣe (m+) [nt+] ////
//// m[e]ṃ ka Ṣ\ ipreRAṣṣai ytāri ////
//// m[e]ṃ ka-Ṣ\, `i-pre-RA-ṣṣai ytā-ri ////
//// rintaṃS\ sthavire dharmada ////
//// ri-ntaṃ-S\ stha-vi-re dha-rma-da ////
//// .ācÄ\ aurtsesa akṣā ////
//// (+ā)-cÄ\ `au-rtse-sa `a-kṣā ////
//// ykentane spantai po ////
//// yke-nta-ne spa-ntai po ////
//// arhanteṃtS\ le ////
//// `a-rha-nteṃt-S\, le ////
//// saṃgha ////
////(*) saṃ-gha ////
{nur Spuren}
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