Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0401


{Toch B 401\T II S 19.16}


- - - 4 || kāśyaP\ pañiktesa nyagrodhe ñ[e]mace oro[cce] ////
* * * 4 || kā-śya-P\, pa-ñi-kte-sa nya-gro-dhe ñ+-ma-ce `o-ro-[cce] ////


- ttare ñemase soyÄ\ kālyśke ṣeyMÄ\ nandipāleṃ pañikte [KA] ////
tta-re ñe-ma-se so-yÄ\ kā-lyśke ṣey-MÄ\ na-ndi-pā-leṃ pa-ñi-kte [KA] ////


ñÄ\ ostameṃ latau dvādaśāṅkeṃ baud(dh)eṃ p(r)avacaṃ e ////


{Toch B 401\T II S 19.16}




tumane (o)k yiltsa : 1 ṣesa kamts. - [R](\) p[ār.] ////
/46/i̯Tiotbx16u̯tu-ma-ne (*)k^yi-ltsa : 1 ṣe-sa ka-mts+ * [RA] p[ā]-(*) ////


poyśñe akāLK\ kyānamaR\ ket ra kartstse yamalñeṣṣe po ////
po-yśñe `a-kā-LK\, kyā-na-ma-R\, ke-t^ra ka-rtstse ya-ma-lñe-ṣṣe po ////


- - perpecce ñiŚ\ cālawa : krenT\ pelaikneṣṣai ol[y]i ////
* * pe-rpe-cce ñi-Ś\, cā-la-wa : kre-nT\, pe-lai-kne-ṣṣai `o-l[y]i ////

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