Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0398


{Toch B 398\T III Qu 4}


//// [ṅk.] re ṣuktmane piś iltsem[pa] ////
//// (*) re ṣu-ktma-ne pi-ś^i-ltse-(mp+) ////


//// s. ratnaśikhi || wace a ////
//// s+ ra-tna-śi-khi || wa-ce `a ////


//// tsai - [m]ā po w[ä] ////
//// tsai * (+ā) po w[ä] ////


//// ai[..i] ////
//// `ai-(+i) ////


{nur Spuren}




{Toch B 398\T III Qu 4}




//// vyā[kar]i ////
//// vyā-(*) (+i) ////


//// ke ..s. (ta)karṣke ////
//// ke (+s+) ka-rṣke ////


//// KTAṃñe perneŚ\ pals[kw] e ////
//// KTAṃ-ñe pe-rne-Ś\, pa-ls+^e ////


//// palsk[w] ersatai poyśiṃ[ñ]e ////
//// pa-lsk+^e-rsa-tai po-yśiṃ-(+e) ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.