Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0379
{Toch B 379\T III M 169.19}
//// [wä]rpāte || apratitu ////
//// (*)-rpā-te || `a-pra-ti-tu ////
//// alloṅK\ pākri MAskye[nTA] ////
//// `a-llo-ṅK\, pā-kri MA-skye-[nTA] ////
//// akāLK\ s[ta]rñ[Ä]\ śwālle ////
////(*) `a-kā-LK\, s[ta]-rñ\, śwā-lle (*)////
//// rŚ\ [•] istaK\ hira ////
//// rŚ\, [•] `i-sta-K\, (*) (ra) (*) ////
//// lyi[n]e tessa .e ////
//// lyi-[n]e te-s+a (+e) (*) ////
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