Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0376


{Toch B 376\T III M 145.1}


{nur Spuren}


//// [n](*)rvāṃ yinmāṢṢAṃ 1 || ////
//// (*) (*)-[rvāṃ] yi-nmā-ṢṢAṃ 1 || ////


//// w[e]re lnaṣṣine candāṃ were ////
//// w[e]-re lna-ṣṣi-ne ca-ndāṃ we-re ////


//// tS(\) nätkau śāsaṃne • ////
//// tSA nä-tkau śā-saṃ-ne • ////


//// [p.]rssante kÜ(s)e nai ////
//// [p+]-rssa-nte kÜ+e nai ////


{Toch B 376\T III M 145.1}


//// lleKA ksa ś(au) [m]m(o) ////
//// lle-KA ksa (ś+) (+m+) ////


//// ñÄ\ ta[ka]ṃ ya - ////
//// ñÄ\ ta-[ka]ṃ ya (*) ////


//// mtts[o] pt(a)nm(a)ne : 1 || MAksu no ////
//// mtts[o] pt+-nm+-ne : 1 || MA-ksu no ////


//// [nta] stare • yparña PArkā -\ ////
//// [nta] sta-re • ypa-rña PA-rkā-*\ ////


{nur geringe Reste}

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.