Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0346


{Toch B 346\T III M 146.4}


//// [rm](e) [ṃ] oroccu walo kreñcÄ\ aiśomyi wartto [w]e -
//// (rm+ṃ) `o-ro-ccu wa-lo kre-ñcÄ\ `ai-śo-myi wa-rtto [we] *


//// [R\] • soyñe putkalñene āklyi yamasken[TA]R\ •
//// [R\,] • so-yñe pu-tka-lñe-ne `ā-klyi ya-ma-sken-ta-R\, •


//// t yaṃne paplāntau śawaṢṢAṃ || sumāṃśkaine || cakra
//// t^yaṃ-ne pa-plā-ntau śa-wa-ṢṢAṃ || su-māṃ-śkai-ne || ca-kra


//// soyñe yukāne alyeṅK\ cameL\ PAlkormeṃ
//// so-yñe yu-kā-ne `a-lye-ṅK\, ca-me-L\, PA-lko-rmeṃ


//// tstsa sāÜ wer(ts) [y]o keklyauṣormeṃ ketara waipecce
//// tstsa sā-Ü\, we-[r+yo] ke-klyau-ṣo-rmeṃ ke-ta-ra wai-pe-cce


{Toch B 346\T III M 146.4}


//// rsñesa śakarm(a)pathäṣṣai ytārine padakekā
//// rsñe-sa śa-ka-rm+-pa-thä-ṣṣai ytā-ri-ne pa-da-ke-kā


//// [m.]ṣṣame • taise te bodhisātvi epastyi MAske
//// (m+)-ṣṣa-me • tai-se te bo-dhi-sā-tvi `e-pa-styi MA-ske


//// nane teṃ yiknesa teṃ bodhisātviññe aiśamñe
//// na-ne teṃ yi-kne-sa teṃ bo-dhi-sā-tvi-ññe `ai-śa-mñe


//// strakke aśariṃ sarvvarakṣitentse reritu pada
//// stra-kke `a-śa-ri-ṃ sa-rvva-ra-kṣi-te-ntse re-ri-tu pa-da


//// ostaññai tsyohkñaimpa • pañikta tākoyeṃ -
//// `o-sta-ññai tsyo-hkñai-mpa • pa-[ñi]-kta tā-ko-yeṃ *

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.