Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0320


{Toch B 320\T III MQR 57}


//// l stamats. piL\ ta[m.] ////
//// l^sta-ma-ts+ pi-L\-ta (*) ////


//// [o]ṅkolmatse ////
//// (*)-ṅko-lma-tse ////


//// rkeṣ[ṣ]ai pla[s]k. ////
//// rke-ṣ[ṣ]ai pla-[s]k+ ////


//// lapaKAmpa tas. [m.] ////
//// la-pa-KA-mpa ta-s+ (*) ////


//// [s]e[ma]ne 9 mā [s.]ā ////
//// [s]e-(ma)-ne 9 mā [s+ā] ////


//// [s.]eritse 10 ////
//// [s+e]-ri-tse 10 ////


//// [14] mā ////
//// [14] mā ////


{Toch B 320\T III MQR 57}


//// [6] ////
//// [6] ////


//// 7 KArtse ñ[w]ā ////
//// 7 KA-rtse ñ+ā ////


//// yamaṢAle 10 ////
////(*) (*) [ya]-ma-ṢA-le 10 ////


//// riye wastsi yä[ṢA] ////
//// ri-ye wa-stsi yä-[ṢA] (*) ////


//// KA[s]koR\ 3 ////
////(*) KA-[s]ko-R\ 3 (*) ////


//// ṣṣalle te mant[ak.] ////
//// ṣṣa-lle te ma-nt+-(*) ////


//// KArtse wawlāwau i ////
//// KA-rtse wa-wla-wau `i ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.