Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0315


{Toch B 315\T III MQR 61}




//// lait[s.] ////
////(*) lai-[t+] ////


//// [TA]n. (po)staññe tarya wa ////
//// (*) (n+) * sta-ññe ta-rya wa ////


//// olyapo aiytRA su wastsi PA ////
//// `o-lya-po `ai-ytRA su wa-st+i PA ////


//// ṣamānentse tanāpate wastsi w[ä] ////
////(*) ṣa-mā-ne-n+e ta-nā-pa-te wa-st+i w[ä] ////


//// .i (PA)knātRA kÜse ṣamāne mā ////
////(*) (+i) (*)-knā-tRA kÜse ṣa-mā-ne mā ////


{Toch B 315\T III MQR 61}


//// [e]tv. - - yaskastRA KAlporme(ṃ) ////
//// [`e]-tv+ * * ya-ska-stRA KA-lpo-rme+ ////


//// [rka]nalle pā 8 ṣamānentse wi ta[n.] ////
//// (*) na-lle pā 8 ṣa-mā-ne-ntse wi ta-(n+) ////


//// wastsitse pito waT(\) : wai ////
//// wa-stsi-tse pi-to waT(\) : wai ////


//// .e - - [n]e mā nau[Ṣ\] ka ////
//// (+e) * * [n]e mā nau-(*\) ka ////


//// .ts. waT(\) ////
//// (+ts+) wa-TA ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.