Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0298


{Toch B 29\T III So 79.26}


tre nauṣw ecce śtwārā KAnte ñaṅka ṣk. ////
tre nau-ṣ[w]^e-cce śt[w]ā-(+ā) `ai-kne ña-ṅka ṣk+ ////


tS\ win[ā]sko || tatha karā ////
tS\, wi-n[ā]-sko || ta-tha ka-rā ////


{THT_29\Toch B 29\T_III_So_79.26}


[r.] - - || m(i)tr(e) ñ(e)mtsa k. ////
[r+] * * || (*)tr+ ñ+-mts+ k+ ////


kekenu mañu parmaṅ[K]i [p]i[ś]m. ////
ke-ke-nu ma-ñu ṣa-rma-ṅ-khi [p]i-[+m+] ////


ci wināsko tuṣit\ ñikcye śai ////
ci wi-nā-sko tu-ṣi-t\, ñi-kcye śai ////


|| āmpRA st[a]nācc(e) v(ai) [d](eh\)
|| āmpRA st[a]nācc(e) v(ai) [d](eh\)


ṣleye gune cau ṣamy ompolskoññe śākyamuni saim wa
ṣleye gune cau ṣamy ompolskoññe śākyamuni saim wa




{Toch B 298\Photo 104}


|| kantsakarṣanne || arai srukalyñe cisa nta kca mā prāskau [p]ontaS\ srukelle kā ñiś [ṣ]eske tañ prāskau s=ārai ñi palsk[o] cisa prāskau pon prekenne twe ṅke kalatarñÄ\ apiś wärñai nreyentane {nraintane; likkhikena dharmacandrasya bhikṣo} :
|| kantsakarṣanne || arai srukalyñe cisa nta kca mā prāskau [p]ontaS\ srukelle kā ñiś [ṣ]eske tañ prāskau s^ārai ñi palsk[o] cisa prāskau pon prekenne twe ṅke kalatarñÄ\ apiś wärñai nreyentane {nraintane; likkhikena dharmacandrasya bhikṣo} :

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