Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0296
{Toch B 296\T I D 130}
ssi muditsa no po wnolmī plāntaṣarme palskonta :
ssi mu-di-tsa no po wno-lmī plā-nta-ṣa-rme pa-lsko-nta :
triśalñenta po wnolmetS\ ārte tārka upekṣsa sā
tri-śa-lñe-nta po wno-lme-tS\, `ā-rte tā-rka `u-pe-kṣsa sā
ste ytāre poyś[i]ñ[a] tesa poyśi maskele : ||
ste ytā-re po-yś[i]-ñ[a] te-sa po-yśi ma-ske-le : ||
|| sāsa lkālñe śaiṣṣene poyśintsy olpo mā neSAṃ :
|| sā-sa lkā-lñe śai-ṣṣe-ne po-yśi-ntsy^o-lpo mā ne-SAṃ :
se wat\ wel[ñ]e k[ly]au[ṣ]alñe posa ś(p)ālmeṃ pelaikne :
se wa-t\, we-l+e k+au-[ṣ]a-lñe po-sa ś+ā-lmeṃ pe-lai-kne :
se wat\ [n]o - - r[tsi]y. s[āṅktsa] - - (m)ā [ne]SAṃ : toṃ
se wa-t\, no (*) (*) r[tsi]-y+ s+-ṅkts+ (*) (*) (+ā) [ne]-SAṃ : toṃ
weS\ tarya - - - yärke [t.] - - [.ā]skeM\ : ||
we-S\, ta-rya (*) (*) [nTA] (kaṃ) yä-rke [t+] (*) (*) (+ā)-ske-M\, : ||
|| (a) [saṃ]khy(ai)nts[e] (trice) [p]i [ā]k[e](sa twe saṃci)te ñ[e]m [ṣ]ait [k]ā-
|| (*) (saṃ) (+y+)-nts[e] (+r+) (*) [p]i [`ā]-k[e]-(s+) * (*) * te ñ[e]-m^(+ai)-t^[k]ā
lśke . p(a)ryariṣṣai sl[em](e)ntsa wantoŚ\ [wane] lyakāsta tiyśi[ṃ] :
lśke • p+-rya-ri-ṣṣ+ sl+-(*)-ntsa wa-nto-Ś\ w+-(+e) lya-kā-sta ti-yśi :
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