Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0280
{Toch B 280\T III MQR 16}
//// ṣṣe yänmān ī[k]e (o)nuwaññe : tumeṃ MAnte LAkle[n]se mā ṢAP\ preke 21 orotsā
////(*) ṣṣe yä-nmā-n^ī-[k]e * nu-wa-ññe : tu-meṃ MA-nte LA-kle-[n]se mā ṢA-P\ pre-ke 21 `o-ro-tsā
//// .au ..ṃ [t.]o .i) - .i : orocceṃts LAklenta orotsan[a/ā] SAkw ra wrotse : orocceṃts wro
//// (+au) (+aṃ) (w+o) (+i) * (+i) : `o-ro-cceṃ-ts^LA-kle-nta `o-ro-tsa-nā SA-kw^ra wro-tse : `o-ro-cceṃ-ts^wro
//// laṣle : tusāksa orocceṃts po orotse kā 22 KArtse klyo
////(*) la-ṣle : tu-sā-ksa `o-ro-cceṃ-ts po `o-ro-tse kā 22 KA-rtse klyo
//// [mṣ.] : welñe TAñ\ KAtkoṣepi KA[ṣṣ]īntse ak[ā]LK\ postaṃ : śle o
//// (*) : we-lñe TA-ñ\ KA-ṅko-ṣe-pi KA-[ṣṣ]ī-ntse `a-k[ā]-LK\ po-staṃ : śle `o
//// [t]āñcä ṅke : pūdñäKTAññe perne eṃṣke mā TAñ\ s[n]aukī 23 ||
//// (+ā)-ñcä ṅke : pū-dñä-KTA-ññe pe-rne `eṃ-ṣke mā TA-ñ\ s[n]au-kī 23 ||
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