Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0260


{Toch B 260\T III MQR 87}


//// śc[\] śemo[su] ////
//// śc[\] śe-mo-[su] (*) ////


//// nene m[ā] su nta ksa ////
////(*) ne-ne ma su nta ksa ////


//// sama[k.] laupār[e] ////
////(+ā) • sa-ma (*) lau-pā (*) ////


//// [.au] naumye kÜse klyauṣtRA tā[tk.]ntsā ñäkteṃts ñä[k](te) ////
//// (+au) nau-mye [kÜse] klyau-ṣtRA tā-[tk+]-ntsā ñä-kteṃ-ts^ñä-(k+) ////


//// [3]6 kÜ[s]e (cm)ela(n)e ////
//// * * * * (*) (6) (kÜ+e) (+e)-la-(+e) ////


{Toch B 260\T III MQR 87}


//// pne n[auṢA] - - - [y]ā tane PAPA ////
////(*) pne [n+]-[ṢA] * * * [y]ā ta-ne PA-PA-(l+) ////


//// TAñ ñä[k](t) [ā KA]LṢA ////
////(*) TA-ñ^ñä-(k+ā) [KA]-LṢA ////


//// (ś)au(LA)nmā sāmpa(ts) [i] ////
////(*) (+au) (LA)-nmā sā-mpa-(+i) ////


//// twenta mantā(l) [ai] ////
//// twe-nta ma-ntā-(*) ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.