Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0249
{Toch B 249a\T III MQR 5}
yśiñ=ikeś\ lalyyasta pernerñenta kraupā[t](ai) [:] y[āTA](ṣ) [ṣ](a) [tai] maim palsko ////
yśi-ñ^i-ke-ś\, la-lyya-sta pe-rne-rñe-nta krau-pā-[t+] [:] y[ā]-[TA]-(+ṣ+)-tai mai-m^pa-lsko ////
wakīce • po cmelaṣṣe pern(e)rne yarke ta(ṅk)s(a) wināskauc\ 9 kÜce ñiś\ ////
wa-kī-ce • po cme-la-ṣṣe pe-rn+-rne ya-rke ta-(ṅ+sa) wi-nā-skau-c\, 9 kÜce ñi-ś\, ////
lamai rekaunasa pernenta [ṣ]em=akṣārsa postañ[ñ]e [n]enku [nā] ////
la-mai re-kau-na-sa pe-rne-nta [ṣ]e-m^a-kṣā-rsa po-sta-ñ[ñ]e [n]e-nku [nā] ////
{Toch B 249b\T III MQR}
ntauna : kos te pos[TA]ṃ saṃsārne kliñiñ walka [s]pārtatsi [:] tañ\ pe[r]n. ////
ntau-na : ko-s^te po-s[TA]ṃ saṃ-sā-rne kli-ñi-ñ^wa-lka [s]pā-rta-tsi [:] ta-ñ\, pe-[+n+] ////
ñi yekte perne wikoyTArñÄ\ 10 || MAkte kertte lastāṅkme ////
ñi ye-kte pe-rne wi-ko-yTA-rñÄ\ 10 || MA-kte ke-rtte la-stā-ṅkme ////
{Toch B 24\T III So 68.26+Frgm}
//// [ko]y ñi • tsatku(ṃ) ākṣ[o]ṣ pelaikne ////
//// (ko)-y^ñi • tsa-tku `ā-kṣ[o]-ṣ^pe-lai-kn+ ////
//// [.k](a)ntwa ārtoymaR\ kÜse mā we ////
//// (+k+)-ntwa `ā-rto-yma-R\, kÜse mā we ////
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