Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0248
{Toch B 248\T III MQ 17.27}
//// [ṢṢ](Aṃ) tSArKAlyñesa krÜi ceÜmeṃ svalwainsa kostai meyyā tot PALKṢAṃ MAnt ra kÜse wña
//// (ṢṢ+) tSA-rKA-lyñe-sa krÜi ce-Ü\-meṃ sva-lwai-nsa ko-stai me-yyā to-t^ PA-LKṢAṃ MA-nt^ra kÜse wña
//// eÜrtsñesa TAñ krentewna kos ñi cämPAmñe tot weñeÜ ñeñmu TAr[n]e
//// `e-Ü\-rtsñe-sa TA-ñ^kre-nte-wna ko-s^ñi cä-mPA-mñe to-t we-ñe-Ü\ ñe-ñmu TA-r[n]e
//// [2] PAls(k)osa erwt[s]=etreṅKAtte cimpā=neśle takoy [t]a tot yoKAntañ po ta[k]o
//// 2 PA-ls+o-sa `e-rwt+^e-tre-ṅKA-tte ci-mpā-ne-śle ta-ko-y^ta to-t^yo-KA-nta-ñ^po ta-[+o]
{Toch B 248\T III MQ 17.27}
//// .TA[rc] ṣ(e)k sn[ay] (ā)ñu y[ä]lts[a] kaLPAnma aron vo mā TAñ [i]r[o] pal[e]Ün(a) ktc.
//// +TA-[rc]^ṣ+-k^sna-[y]^+-ñu y+-lts+ ka-LPA-nma `a-ro-n^vo mā TA-ñ^[i]-r[o] p+-l[e]-Ü\-n+ ktc+
//// kt=aiŚAmñesā sPAntai wentsi cämpimcä 3 śtwer ŚKAnmaṣṣ=āstreṃ keme
//// kt^ai-ŚA-mñe-sā sPA-ntai we-ntsi cä-mpi-mcä 3 śtwe-r^ŚKA-nma-ṣṣ^ā-streṃ ke-me
//// kointsa cäñcrona wñasta tSAlypelyents pelkiñä ṢAñ krentauna snai netka
//// ko-i\-ntsa cä-ñcro-na wña-sta tSA-lype-lye-nts^pe-lki-ñä ṢA-ñ^kre-ntau-na snai ne-tka
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