Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0225


{Toch B 225\T III MQR 78}


n[e]ne || winaskewc[ä] cāKA(r) [ṣ](o)tri [.e] //// {(p)e(rneñc paiyne)}
(*) ne || w+ (*) (ske) (+c+) (*) KA (*) tri (+e) ////


PAlsko cek wärñai ñäś valatsy a ////
* [l+ko] (+e) (*) (*) (rñ+) (ñä) (+v+) (l+) (t+ya) ////


- noṣ kren[t\] krÜi twe ñäkta tetemu ka [.ai] ////
* no-ṣ^kre-n+ kr+i tw+ ñä-kta te-te-mu ka (+ai) ////


{Toch B 225\T III MQR 78}


- st(a) reki [t]ek posTAññe TAnMAṣle [ñ](i) ////
* (*) re-ki [t]e-k^po-sTA-ññe TA-nMA-(+le) (+i) ////


[c]e MAnt reki 2 erkenma yna[ñ.] ////
[c]e (*) nt^re-ki 2 `e-rke-[+ma] yna ////


ṢA snai saim neseÜ te tRAṅmane .e ////
ṢA snai sai-m ne-s+-Ü\ te tRA-ṅma-ne [+e] ////

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.