Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0207


{Toch B 207\T III MQR 53}


- - n[e] - PA[r]kasta LAktsetse poyś[i]ñ. ////
(*) n+ (*) PA-[r]ka-sta LA-(k+e) (+e) (po) (+ś+) (ñ+) ////


KAtkoṢ\ totte 10 akaL(KA) [ts]e tarnene stmau Ṣ\ lyakatai ṢA ////
KA-tko-Ṣ\ to-tte 10 `a-ka-(*) (+e) ta-rne-ne s+au-Ṣ\ (*) ka-tai ṢA ////


- rṣe arañcaṣṣ[e] (sa)mutRA tañ\ sosoyu : klatai ////
* rṣe `a-ra-ñca-ṣṣ[e] mu-tRA ta-ñ\ (+o)-so-yu : kla-tai ////


l[m]etS\ śemac\ preka pelaikneṣe kerusa.i - - - ṣ.[ṃ] ka[ka .e] ////
(+e)-tS\ śe-ma-c\ pre-ka pe-(lai)-kne-ṣe ke-ru-sa-(+i) * * * ṣa ka-[ka] (+e) ////


{Toch B 207\T III MQR 53}


- n. lt(e)ñc k(o) [y]n(a)m(eṃ) okmane karu - - - - tsañ. ////
(*) n+ lt+-ñc^k+-[y]n+-m+ `o-kma-ne ka-ru * * * * tsa-ñ+ ////


yśy alekk ra tSAkwaṃtsneṣṣe surmesa eś\ [l]m(au) [ś](ai)ṣṣ(e) lau[k.] ////
yśy^a-le-kk^ra tSA-kwaṃ-tsne-ṣṣe su-rme-sa `e-ś\ [l]m+ (ś+)-ṣṣ+ lau-(*) ////


walo ra eśne wsa [o]ṅwañe [i]ke lkatsiśc 1[2] ////
wa-lo ra `e-śne wsa [`o]-ṅwa-ñe [`i]-ke lka-tsi-śc 10 ////


kektse .e lkantarc\ ñakta ysa yo[k..] ////
ke-ktse (+e) lka-nta-rc\ ña-kta ysa yo-[k+] ////

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