Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0205


{Toch B 205\T III MQ 44.1}


//// .ñ. s. s. [n.] poyś[i]ñana kr[e]nt[au]na ṣeK\ ñ[i] t[a]śy[e](ṃ) aRAñc[a] 3[2]
//// [+ñ+] s+ s+ (n+) po-yś+-ña-na kr[e]-nt[au]-na ṣe-K\ ñ+ t+-śy+ `a-RA-ñca 30(*)


//// śaktālyi papalarsa ci ñakta nervvaṃn oko KAlale krent\ KA[r]tse
//// śa-ktā-lyi pa-pa-la-rsa ci ña-kta ne-rvvaṃn^o-ko KA-la-le kre-nt\ KA-[+tse]


//// [ṣ.] śaktalye iṅauṃ KAstweR\ katnau ñaś\ ñemek takoy[ñ a]śle
////(*) śa-kta-lye `i-ṅauṃ KA-stwe-R\ ka-tnau ña-ś\ ñe-me-k^ta-ko-yñ^ a-ś+e


//// snai yPArwe KAlpāu taka KAṃntwo ñī pernerñempa śpalmeṃñce ma nai nta [.o]
//// snai yPA-rwe KA-lpāu ta-ka KAṃ-ntwo ñī pe-rne-rñe-mpa śpa-lmeṃ-ñce ma nai nta (*)


//// lauw[TA] wely(ñ)esa yam.. bhīṣe[K\] perneṣe [laika]ly(ñ)esa -[k]e [t. ś.] ////
//// lau-w[TA] we-ly+e-sa ya-m+a bhī-ṣe-(*)\ pe-rne-ṣe (l+) [ka]-ly+e-sa (*) (+e) (*) [ś+] ////


{Toch B 205\T III MQ 44.1}

//// (*) (*) (+v+) (+m+)-c\ (*) (*) (+n+) (+t+) (*) (*) (+u) (*) ////


//// [r]me tañ\ perne KAskoytar ñi yke postaṃ tañ\ perneṣai skiyaine ñaś ra
//// [r]me ta-ñ\ pe-rne KA-sko-yta-r^ñi yke po-staṃ ta-ñ\ pe-rne-ṣai ski-yai-ne ña-ś^ra


//// [t]aupe kraupe ṣe ysomo pernerñe[ṣ]e tatakau pernerñeṣe yatal[yñ]e
//// [t]au-pe krau-pe ṣe yso-mo pe-rne-rñe-ṣe ta-ta-kau pe-rne-rñe-ṣe ya-ta-l+e


//// [.yai]tkorne klyeñca ñīś\ somo[t]käñe ṣek takoymä cau pernerñe
////(*) tko-rne klye-ñca ñī-ś\ so-mo-Tkä-ñe ṣe-k^ta-ko-ymä cau pe-rne-rñe


//// nt[RA] 36 pernerñesa ṣe ysomo küce ñaś\ ñakta pa[l. .e]
//// nt+ 36 pe-rne-rñe-sa ṣe yso-mo küce ña-ś\ ña-kta pa-[l+] (+e)

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