Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
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THT 0196
{Toch B 196\T III M 143.3}
//// k[r]ośśeññe auṣaP\ etsuwai o
////(*) k[r]o-śśe-ññe `au-ṣa-P\, `e-tsu-wai `o
//// [ṣac]āreññe tane
//// ṣa-cā-re-ññe ta-ne
//// dhātusa krauśśeññe
//// dhā-tu-sa krau-śśe-ññe
//// tS[\] ālyocesa e
//// tS\, `ā-lyo-ce-sa `e
//// lkāstaR\ mahābhūt\ te
//// lkā-sta-R\, ma-hā-bhū-t\, te
//// [y.]kkalñane ṣaRAM\ nesalñe MA
//// (y+)-kka-lña-ne ṣa-RA-M\, ne-sa-lñe MA
{Toch B 196\T III M 143.3}
//// putkālñe MAskeTAR\ • tane no •
//// pu-tkā-lñe MA-ske-TA-R\, • ta-ne no •
//// [•] tasmāt\ • tusa • śitaṃ tat\
//// (*) ta-smā-t\, • tu-sa • śi-taṃ "ta-t\,"
//// [pe]ntatS\ bhūtāntara
//// [pe]-nta-tS\, bhū-tā-nta-ra
//// warñai cetS\ pṛthi
//// wa-rñai ce-tS\, pṛ-thi
//// .āśrayāśrita bhā
//// (+ā)-śra-yā-śri-ta bhā
//// nanu dṛṣṭaṃ m(a)pi ka lelyako
////(*) na-nu dṛ-ṣṭaṃ m+-pi ka le-lya-ko
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