Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:
Attention: This text is encoded using Unicode / UTF8.
THT 0164
{Toch B 164\T III MQR}
{nur Spuren}
//// (+ñ+) ////
//// tskwace yā ////
////(*) tskwa-ce [yā] ////
//// āLAṃ TA[n](mas)k(e) ////
//// `ā-LAṃ TA-(*) (+k+) ////
//// klyauṢAlñe yäM\ ////
//// klyau-ṢA-lñe yä-M\ ////
//// [.y.] yamītRA cwi ṅke ////
////(*) ya-mī-tRA cwi ṅke ////
{Toch B 164\T III MQR}
//// ś[aṃ]MAṢṢAlñ[e] • ñ. ////
//// śaṃ-MA-ṢṢA-lñ+ • ñ+ ////
//// yaka neSAṃ śeśśan(mu) ////
//// [ya]-ka ne-SAṃ śe-śśa-n+ ////
//// nte ara[hā]nte ////
//// nte `a-ra-(*)-nte ////
//// lpālñe [l.] ////
//// lpā-lñe (l+) ////
//// rsa we[w.] ////
////(*) rsa we-(w+) ////
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1997-2007. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.