Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection:

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THT 0151


{Toch B 151\T III MQ 49.4}


.tu ñeM\ • seK\ pratīt[ya]sa ////
+tu ñe-M\, • se-K\ pra-tī-t+-sa ////


pakeṣṣe • pūrvāntiK\ nauṣuwe ////
pa-ke-ṣṣe • pū-rvā-nti-K\ nau-ṣu-we (*) ////


ruP\ ṣaḍāyataṃ • sparśä • ////
ru-P\ ṣa-ḍā-ya-taṃ • spa-rśä • ////


tṛṣṇopādāṃ bhavä se ṣarM\ ////
tṛ-ṣṇo-pā-dāṃ bha-vä se ṣa-rM\, ////


bhavä se yāmoR\ • jāti ja[r.] ////
bha-vä se yā-mo-R\, • jā-ti ja-[ra] ////


ka MAt tona piśÄ\ MAskentRA ////
ka MA-t^to-na pi-śÄ MA-ske-ntRA ////


{Toch B 151\T III MQ 49.4}


pakeṣṣepi okontse au ////
pa-ke-ṣṣe-pi `o-ko-ntse `au ////


ṢArmantse auñento tṛṣṇä [tai] ////
ṢA-rma-ntse `au-ñe-nto tṛ-ṣṇä [tai] ////


ñento jāti tainaiSAñÄ\ ṣe me ////
/*/i̯Tiotbx16u̯ñe-nto jā-ti tai-nai-SA-ñÄ\ ṣe me ////


pādāṃ ñeM\ tu ñake avidyä ////
pā-dāṃ ñe-M\ tu ña-ke `a-vi-dyä ////


jñāṃ ñeM\ • kÜse jarāmaraṃ ñeM\ [te] ////
jñāṃ ñe-M\, • kÜse ja-rā-ma-raṃ ñeM\ [te] ////


- sraukaṃ āLAṃ cmeTAR\ [t]ū ////
(+ṃ) srau-kaṃ `ā-LAṃ cme-TAR\ [t]ū (*)////

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